Background of the study: The desire to build a civilized country with a strong and sound economy is the desire of every Country, including Nigeria. Tax payment is the demonstration of such a desire, although some income earners see it as a means of exploitation by the government. Tax payment is a voluntarily contribution imposed by the Government on personal income earners, companies, investors, exporters, importers etc. revenue realized from taxation is a major source of revenue to the Government of Nigeria, and as such is an important tool used in the development of Nigeria and her economy. A country’s tax policies and systems are greatly related with business ventures in that country. An economy that enacts favorable and progressive tax laws and policies will definitely breed successful and finance-healthy business organizations.
Once businesses flourish, the economy flourishes as well, as there is no quicker way of stirring the affairs of an economy without the help of organizations that move services, goods, money and investments from those with surplus to those with deficit; those with marketable ideas/output to those who need these ideas and products. In essence, businesses and tax policies greatly depend on one another for survival. If one is greatly affected, the other follows suite. The Nigerian Tax System has undergone significant changes in recent times. With the help of various studies and research done by tax experts, tax laws are being reviewed with the aim of repelling obsolete provisions and simplifying the main ones.
Under current Nigerian law, taxation is enforced by the 3 tiers of Government, i.e. Federal, State, and Local Government with each having its sphere clearly spelt out in the Taxes and Levies (approved list for Collection) Small businesses are generally recognized as important drivers of economic success. The recent economy recession contributed to inconsistencies in the Nigerian tax laws which had made it difficult for the tax authority to administer and tax payers to comprehend tax system, (Matthew, 2014). The intention of the federal government to maintain a uniform tax system proved abortive as a result of economy condition of each state which gives room for divergence system. In any economy, the usefulness of taxation in the activities of any government cannot be overemphasized. The main aim of any developing nation like Nigeria is to increase the rate of economic growth and per capital income which otherwise increases the standard of living thus taxation can be used as a stimulus to accelerate such growth. Tax is one of the major sources of government revenue however, not every government effectively exploits this opportunity as a means of revenue generation.
Azubike (2009), posits that tax is a major player in every society of the world. It is an opportunity for government to generate additional revenue to discharge its pressing obligations. Also, it is one of the effective means of mobilizing a country's internal resources so as to promote economic growth. According to Appah (2004), tax is a compulsory levy imposed on a subject or properties by the government to provide security, social amenities and cater for the wellbeing of the society. It is levies imposed by the government on incomes, profits and properties of both individuals and corporate bodies for the sole administration of that government which has no compensatory benefits. The main forms of tax collected are direct and indirect taxes. For the direct taxes, it is levied on individuals and factors of productions e.g. Personal Income Tax (PIT), Capital Gain Tax (CGT). However, indirect taxes are levied on goods and services e.g. import and export duties. Thus, the consumers bear the ultimate burden. It is an important note that taxation supposed to be an instrument of social change which is not answering as much as it should be doing presently in Nigeria.
The impact of tax payment is not felt by payee and some do not understand some tax laws and this indeed has put them into doubt and confusion which has definitely led to tax evasion and avoidance. Having realized that taxation is one of the most important sources of revenue for the various tiers of government and a major way of sourcing financial support to the Nigeria government at large, it is of paramount importance that tax evasion and avoidance is discouraged with every conceivable means.